At the beginning of November we did the "ring test. If you don't know what that is, be ready to have your minds blown because I swear by it and believe in it 100%. You can look up videos on youtube but basically you take a string or a piece of your hair, string your wedding ring on it, hold it over your wrist or if you're pregnant you can hold it over your belly. Hold very still and it literally will start swinging on its own. It's kind of woo-woo but it's awesome. If It goes back and forth it's a boy, if it goes in a circle it's a girl. Do it to your spouse and it will literally do the exact same thing. It's crazy. So we did it and for both me and Paxton it said BOY. Paxton was very very excited about that.
So from that moment on I was sure we were having a boy! I even went ahead and bought a few boy outfits! But then the month of January came and I was CERTAIN it was a girl. I kept having dreams about this dark haired little baby girl and I really felt like that was our baby! After I shared that over on Instagram, everyone said that there was a saying that if you have dreams about your baby being a certain gender- that means it will be the opposite gender. So the ring test said it was a boy and then my dreams were actually saying it was a boy. Okay! I was convinced!
It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard waiting over 19 weeks to find out the gender FOR SURE. It's all I could think about once we finally scheduled it. I really really really wanted to go and find out earlier but I know a lot of people that had gone in, found out it was a girl and then it ended up being a boy when they went to their 20 week ultrasound. And I just didn't want to chance it being incorrect so we decided to wait it out! But dang it was hard!
We went in for our Ultrasound February 19 when I was a little over 19 weeks along. When we got there I told the tech I wanted to find out the gender RIGHT THEN but baby's legs were crossed! After a few minutes she said she had a guess and that it was a GIRL. I didn't register it because I was SO shocked and didn't want to believe one way or another until the baby's legs were uncrossed. Meanwhile, Paxton sat in the corner trying to process that his baby boy was actually a girl! He said he was a little sad but was still excited! After about 15 min I asked her- "so how positive are you that it's a girl??" And she said "oh, don't take my word for it". So that gave Paxton some hope. After about 40 minutes baby finally uncrossed it's legs and we saw for certain that IT WAS A BOY!! Paxton got up out of his chair and yelled he was so excited. I felt 100% at peace because we really had known all along!!! We were both so freaking excited.
Later that evening we both facetimed our families to tell them the news, show them the cute ultrasound pictures we got of the lil babe, and to tell them about the ultrasound! Baby boy would NOT stop moving the entire ultrasound and kept folding himself into a little ball like this with is feet in front of his face! I could have stayed there all night watching him. And was so happy we finally could really call him a HIM with confidence! We also found out that I have an anterior placenta which has made it so Paxton still hasn't felt baby kick yet. Although I feel him moving and shaking ALL THE TIME.
We decided that we did not want to do a big gender reveal party! Which kind of surprised me because I always thought I would want to but I just didn't want to wait a second longer not knowing the gender! I also just wanted it to just be mine and Paxton's little secret for a while and to tell our families on our own. We kept it simple and announced it on social media the next day!
We are so excited and can't wait to meet this little guy in July!! He is healthy and growing perfectly and already a dream come true!
You're the cutest! So happy for you guys <3