Hi, it's me again! These past 8 months I've been awfully busy husband hunting. And I found one, got engaged, got married, and we are now living the newly wed life. So sorry, I've been a little bit too busy to blog. (And I was having an identity crisis and had some real bad struggles with anxiety/depression and had a lot of stress these past few months and just never knew what to say or how to make my thoughts become words.) But now I (kind of) am ready to give this whole "blogging" thing another shot! Because I have been awful at writing in my journal and keeping my social media up to date. I attempted multiple times to post on my old blog but it just didn't seem to flow. So I decided to start a new Blog for my new life. To have a new start. So I am going to start fresh, here, and document the ups and downs, the good days and the bad ones, the perfect lipsticks and the Pinterest fails. I'm here to be real and fabulous and share my thoughts about being a wifey, real life struggles, and every step I take throughout this journey.
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