You know those times when there is SO much going on in your life that you SHOULD be documenting an journaling about and you just can't find the time to even do it? Welcome to the last 10 months of my life! Let's play catch up. Starting with how we met & our first date.
I met Pax when we were 7 years old in Mrs Roberts first grade class. He was the love of my life from the moment I saw him (not even exaggerating). Brown hair with the prettiest blue eyes. 1st grade and I was already boy crazy. All my journals from those elementary school days have things written about him. I remember he would write me love notes and I would hide them in my underwear drawer so no one would find them. I wish SO badly I would have kept them now! Ha! Anyways I moved away after 5th grade and we didn’t really keep in touch. We looked back at Facebook messages and there were a few random ones in High School but that is about it.
(This is us in our first grade class picture)
10 Years later
I graduated from Provo College as a Physical Therapist Assistant and had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. I was planning on staying in Utah or moving to Arizona. I graduated in May and I got a call from a company in Idaho that wanted me to come and Interview. I wasn't really interested but decided it would be good interview practice. I drove past my old home town and was thinking about all the good memories I had there. Paxton came to my mind and I remembered he was going to school at BYU-I. I was going to be there for a few days so I sent him a Facebook message. After my interview the next day, we decided we would go to Sodavine to catch up. I really, truly, honestly just wanted to catch up. I had no other intentions and was not even interested in him or Rexburg. (But that quickly changed).
I went to my interview and it went perfectly. I got the job. I didn't really want the job but I instantly felt so good and peaceful about it. Dangit. I left the interview and found out I had not gotten the job at a different place I had interviewed in Utah that I really wanted. Dangit. I drove around town and began picturing living here and how normal and natural it felt. Dangit. He picked me up for our "non-date date" and he was gorgeous and my heart stopped and I had instant butterflies. Dangit.
And the date went perfectly. It was like we had been best friends since forever. I really felt like I just knew him and the chemistry was so real! We had such a fun time and I did not want that night to end. But in my mind I was still planning on keeping all my options open and going back to Utah and trying to find a job there. So naturally, I kissed him. Because it was the most perfect first date (was it a date? I don't know) and I literally just had to. Like I HAD to. It just wouldn't seem right if I didn't....but I was so nervous because guys should always kiss the girls first.... but I had nothing to lose and I new he wanted to kiss me too and he was just taking too long to do it. He drove me home that night and told me how "predictable" i was. So I didn't send him the predictable "after date" text or anything. Haha. I was just going to go back home that next morning and remember last night as one of the best nights of my life.
He texted me at 10 am that next morning telling me how much fun he had and how it was like we had been best friends for those 10 years. We texted and flirted all morning and found out we both felt the exact same way about each other. Felt the same way- haha, we had only hung out for one night and we were already talking about feelings we had for each other. And how weird it was that we already liked each other so much when the last time we had talked was when we were 10. I decided to wait until his classes got out that night so we could hang out again (kiss and cuddle again) before I headed back home. It was like we had been dating for a month. The way we talked, the way we acted, how normal and comfortable it was to be together. I remember cuddling on the couch with him that night and I thought to myself "you are going to marry this boy one day." And that terrified me. Because we had only been with each other for 2 whole days. And it scared me because I knew he felt the same way about me. And this was NOT part of my plan. But I decided to take down my walls and to just "go with it." Before I left he told me “Bailey, I know this is going to sound weird but- whether you choose to go back to Utah or to take the job here, I want to pursue this. This is something special.” And there you have it, I was smitten. Game over. This felt like a fairy tale and I was freaking out inside.
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